International Society

Dynamic Psychotherapy Oriented by Dimensions International Society

PDD International Society

PDD (Dynamic Psychotherapy Oriented by Dimensions) is an integrative therapeutic methodology, created by Dr. Javier Castillo, strongly inspired by Jungian psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis, as well as introducing cognitive and behavioural dimensions.

PDD psychotherapists and coaches work with a scientific methodology that aims to help form a specific therapeutic framework to acquire the rigorousness and consistency necessary to be recognized as an evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach.

The PDD International Society has a permanent collaboration agreement with the Colegio Oficial de Psicología de la Comunidad Valenciana (Official College of Psychology of the Valencian Community).

Among the objectives of the society are the following:

Scientifically investigate the fundamentals of PDD and its further developments, helping to make its clinical application more pragmatic and consistent.

Accredit PDD psychotherapists and coaches who can develop their work as dimensional integrative therapists, certifying their rigorousness and professionalism.

Organize congresses, meetings, and seminars to raise awareness of PDD and its clinical applications.


Currently, our PDD association has a diverse and passionate international community. Among our members, you will find psychologists, psychotherapists, neurologists and coaching professionals who share a deep interest in this innovative methodology.

We are united by the desire to explore and apply PDD (Dynamic Psychotherapy Oriented by Dimensions) in our professional practice, thus enriching our therapeutic approach. Through our association, we provide mutual support, exchange knowledge and experience, and collaborate in the expansion and development of PDD internationally.

Membership requirements

If you are interested in joining our community, which is committed to the advancement of the PDD methodology and sharing ideas with professionals from various disciplines and countries, we cordially invite you to join our association. To join, it is necessary to fulfil a series of requirements that you can consult below:

1.- Possess the PDD Specialist Diploma

The candidate must have firstly successfully completed the PDD specialist course at the PDD Institute in order to obtain the qualification and become a member of the society. Information about the course can be found at: https://psicoterapiadinamica.com/

2.- Certify hours of personal analysis, supervision and work in PDD.

The candidate should have 100 hours of personal analysis and 150 hours of supervision to qualify, but the exact number of hours will be flexible depending on the candidate’s personal and professional development. However, the candidate must submit a written work supervised by a PDD member in which the candidate demonstrates their understanding, as well as clinical use of the PDD model with clinical cases to be approved by the management board.

Types of membership

The three different types of membership in the PDD International Society:


Will be those members who fulfil the requirements of completing the Specialist PDD course, personal analysis, supervision and written work, as well as hold a university degree in Psychology or Medicine (as corresponds with regulation in Spain) or a member who works as a psychotherapist and meets the legal requirements of the country in which he/she is working.


Will be those who fulfil the requirements of completing the PDD Specialist course, personal analysis, supervision and written work, as well as hold the qualification of university graduate in any other academic discipline.


Will be those who have completed the PDD specialist course and are candidates for Psychotherapist or Coach membership. The training for clinical work is not recognised in this category.

PDD IS Management Board


Matthew May


(Coordinator for the American continent)

Fabio Guevara


(Coordinator for Europe)

Purificación López Gata


Liliane Clark


David Sucre Villalobos


Nerea Liébana


Bruno Vila

Honorary Members

The PDD International Society is proud to have distinguished Honorary Members. These outstanding professionals bring their experience and expertise to strengthen and support Dynamic Psychotherapy Oriented by Dimensions, thus consolidating our commitment to excellence and the advancement in this therapeutic methodology.


Honorary President: Dr. Javier Castillo. Graduated in analytical psychology from the Research- and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Zurich, Switzerland. Creator of PDD.

Honorary Member: Dr. Francisco Santolaya. Dr. in Psychology and Clinical Psychologist. Psychotherapist accredited by EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations). President of the Spanish Federation of Psychologists’ Associations. Dean of the Official College of Psychologists of the Valencian Community in Spain.

Do you have any questions about our association?
We are here to help you!

Fill out the form below and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to know more about our activities, member benefits or membership requirements, please don’t hesitate to ask. We are committed to providing you with the information you need – we look forward to answering your questions and welcoming you to our community of dynamic psychoanalysts!

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